The last month of 2017 was one of great surprise to the Piedmont region. In its almost 40 year history, the Carolina Raptor Center has never had a Snowy Owl, rehabbed or permanent resident, until this past year. Two patients in one month no less! Recently, this patient is now free in the wild in the great state of Vermont! Live free young one! This photo has also been featured on the front page of the Charlotte Observer. To see the article, click the photo for more!
Another photo of the young male Snowy Owl who was rehabbed back to health at the Carolina Raptor Center. This photo was also featured in the Vermont's local TV station. To see more, click the photo!
This photo of Ocracoke Lighthouse was taken on a hot summer evening back in September 2018, where the Milky Way Galactic Center just so happened to be placed to the left of the lighthouse. There was a small opening as the clouds were all across the horizon and I was losing precious timing. Due to where the lighthouse was, I decided to omit the horizon and just look up from the bottom of the lighthouse. It was an amazing viewing! This photograph was entered into the "Wiki Loves Monuments" Photo Contest in 2018, and won 3rd place under the "Wiki Loves Monuments-United States." Click more to see the photo on the Ocracoke Lighthouse Wikipedia page!